Thursday, July 28, 2011

Meeting blog friend from Alabama

Yesterday was one of those perfectly beautiful summer days. I spent the evening with a blog friend, Charlotte. We finally got to meet and it was great. She moved to Alabama and lived there for a year in Montgomery. This was just about when we were moving back to Sweden so there wasen´t enough time to get the chance to meet up in Alabama but now we got the chance to get together here instead. She has now moved back from Alabama with her family. They were there for a year and had a great time. Me and Lotta met at this great Indian restaurant on Söder and we sure had A LOT to talk about. A wonderful evning and I am glad we got to meet because we had a lot of experiences to share.

This has so far been a real blog meeting year. I have met Annika and Anne-Marie and now Charlotte. Hopefully after we return from France I will have the chance to meet up with Saltis as well. Stockholm is a great place to meet up with blog friends as many pass by here during the year.


Petchie75 said...

Kul med ytterligare en lyckad bloggträff! Och ja, det är ju många bloggare som kommer från eller iaf passerar Sthlm så här års så du är på helt rätt ställe ;-) (precis som Saltis är, i NYC) Hoppas att du och Saltis får chans att träffas i sommar!

Katarina said...

Va roligt med blogg träff! Det är perfekt att bo i Stockholm, för då kan man säkert träffa en och annan bloggare.. Själv har jag inte hunnit med hälften av allt jag önskat hemma i Svedala.. Nu är jag åter i KL.
