We met up with our guide and group and from there drove for another 45 minutes on really narrow roads up and down the mountain slopes until we reached a small parking space. Here it was time to strip down into your bathing suit/bikini and get part of the wet suit on. After that we left two cars behind and squeezed ourselves into the two remaining cars and drove for another 20 minutes. From here we had to do a shorter hike of about 10 minutes before we reached our true starting point.
Me jumping of the cliff. A bit scared - yes, but so happy I dared to do more than I expected from myself. Some of the jumps here don't appear to be so high. I think that the main fear factor was not knowing what was coming up. Not knowing exactly how high it was. Some times we climbed down part of the way with the rope but the rope would end somewhere before we reached the bottom so from where ever the rope ended Morgan, our guide would drop us. I just closed my eyes and said a short prayer and thought - oh shit here I go, he is dropping me into the abyss.
First time ever in a wet suit. Getting this thing on and off was not very easy. It is just like wearing tight pantyhose on your legs and arms. It was great in the water. We had to walk a bit before we reached the water and boy did it get hot wearing this gear. I had been kind of worried that the water would feel very cold but I did not have to worry at all because by the time we got to the water it was a great relief to cool down.
This was the first time ever that me and C tried canyoning. Emily and Martin had done it before and the for the four other guys it was also their first time. We got to do a mix of jumps, slides, and climbs. Our guide Morgan explained and gave us instructions before each new challenge. The expression here on my face tells you that I am thinking - shit, am I going to go down there! But I am happy I dared to challenge myself and do more than I thought I would do. I am kind of afraid of heights so some of the stuff here required an extra mental push. I did not however want to be the "petit poulet" of the group. There was one of the higher jumps that was just too much for me so there I was repelled down by rope. But I was not the only one to back down on that one and that really made me feel a lot better.
The canyon was very narrow in some places but it was so very beautiful! It was so cool to do this. I was absolutely thrilled! This is one of the best things I have ever done. It was just such a wow experience in every possible way. The water was cool and crystal clear. This is a slot canyon just like some of the canyons we visited in Utah and Arizona last year.
Me and C after the final climb. C had sort of tricked me and lied a little but I am glad he did. He told me he had signed us up for the easy level that was just 2-3 hours but he admitted as we were there that this really was the medium to advanced level and we had 6 hours in front of us. By then it was too late to back down for me. There was only one way to go and that was to follow the group and go down and forward.
Martin and Emily that we became friends with. They were so nice and it was fun to get to known them. We went out to dinner together that evening in Castellan.
Parts of the canyoning tour were just such a pleasure. It was the most fantastic feeling to float on your back looking straight up into the blue sky the foliage and the steep canyon walls, drifting down with the stream and just relaxing (for the moment trying not to worry about the next up coming challenge).
First time ever in a wet suit. Getting this thing on and off was not very easy. It is just like wearing tight pantyhose on your legs and arms. It was great in the water. We had to walk a bit before we reached the water and boy did it get hot wearing this gear. I had been kind of worried that the water would feel very cold but I did not have to worry at all because by the time we got to the water it was a great relief to cool down.
More jumps. We jumped both high and small jumps all in the range between 2 to 7 meters.
This is Emily getting ready to slide/climb down. I am right in front of here and have already started my decent down.
This was the first time ever that me and C tried canyoning. Emily and Martin had done it before and the for the four other guys it was also their first time. We got to do a mix of jumps, slides, and climbs. Our guide Morgan explained and gave us instructions before each new challenge. The expression here on my face tells you that I am thinking - shit, am I going to go down there! But I am happy I dared to challenge myself and do more than I thought I would do. I am kind of afraid of heights so some of the stuff here required an extra mental push. I did not however want to be the "petit poulet" of the group. There was one of the higher jumps that was just too much for me so there I was repelled down by rope. But I was not the only one to back down on that one and that really made me feel a lot better.
The canyon was very narrow in some places but it was so very beautiful! It was so cool to do this. I was absolutely thrilled! This is one of the best things I have ever done. It was just such a wow experience in every possible way. The water was cool and crystal clear. This is a slot canyon just like some of the canyons we visited in Utah and Arizona last year.
Me and C after the final climb. C had sort of tricked me and lied a little but I am glad he did. He told me he had signed us up for the easy level that was just 2-3 hours but he admitted as we were there that this really was the medium to advanced level and we had 6 hours in front of us. By then it was too late to back down for me. There was only one way to go and that was to follow the group and go down and forward.
Martin and Emily that we became friends with. They were so nice and it was fun to get to known them. We went out to dinner together that evening in Castellan.
Every one in the group after the canyoning was done. The group of four guys had some rose wine in their car that the invited us all for. Kind of funny everyone almost walking around in their bathing suits or underwear. C is standing next to our guide. Man, he had like the most perfect body! For lunch he had a piece of baguette with chocolate and I thought - this is really unfair to be able to eat that and look that gorgeous.
Wow, vilken upplevelse!! Jag är imponerad över ditt mod! Själv hade jag verkligen varit fegisen själv ;-) Visst var det canoyingen som var den stora orsaken till er semester i södra Frankrike?
Petra, ja det var superhäftigt och en helt otrolig upplevelse. Canyoningen var en av de stora orsakerna till Provence semestern, helt rätt. :-)
Så glad att jag vågade testa detta. Vill göra om det igen.
Wow, wow, wow!!! Underbart härligt! Vilket mod Desiree och SÅ läckra bilder. Du ser superfin ut i din våtdräkt...
Kram kram
Wow, superhäftigt!!! Är det era egna bilder eller var det guiden som fotograferat?
Oohh!!! Det ser ju så superhäftigt ut! Tack för att du delade med dig. Jag blir JÄTTESUGEN! Det där är något jag ska komma ihåg den dagen vi får råd att åka dit!
Oj! Wow! Vilken tuffing du är!!! Jag är dödsimpad att du vågar göra sånt! Men jag förstår att det är häftigt för den som vågar. Wow!
Och de där lavendelfälten, helt underbara! Dem måste jag också få se någon dag!
Ha en fortsatt härlig semester!
Jag säger också WOW! Du är mycket modigare än mig! Klättra ner skulle jag kunna göra men hoppa ner i vattnet, nope, I don't think so!
Jag nöjer mig med att titta på dina bilder! :-)
Vi har varit där men inte varit med om er fantastiska upplevelse med våtdräkter och bad :)
Å, jag älskar er resa och hur fint du visar alla bilderna. Roligt med de små videoinläggen - det ger ytterliggare en dimension.
Du är modig Desiree! Verkligen! Skulle inte ha kunnat göra det du gjorde. You go girl. :) Det är härligt när man utmanar sin rädsla och tar sig igenom det hela. Kramar!
Gud vad haftigt! Jag ar ocksa radd for hojder och hade nog inte klarat det dar..(fegis).. Men supercoolt att prova pa nya grejer och vad duktig du var!
Jag sällar mig till skaran som utropat wow! Det ser skithäftigt ut, vilken upplevelse. Ännu mer spännande tycker jag det ser ut då jag själv aldrig skulle klarat av detta. Du är modig Desiree, vad härligt det låter också om hur du peppade dig själv lite extra och vågade mer än du trodde innan. Det växer man av som människa på alla plan, tror jag. Otroliga miljöer, visste inte man kunde hitta såna saker i södra Frankrike. KRAMIS
Taina, ha ha man kände sig inte supersnygg men den var skön i vattnet och skyddade bra. Kändes bra att ha hjälmen också.
Victoria, det är en av de andra deltagarna som vi lärde känna som hade med sig en vattentät kamera. Jättekul att kunna få ta del av alla dessa fantatiska bilder.
Ulrika, jag kan verkligen varmt rekomendera detta. Jag är övertygad om att du skulle gilla detta och tycka det är en superhäftig upplevelse. Jag skulle hemskt gärna vilja göra om detta igen någonannanstans. Jag har helt klart fått mersmak.
Marianne, tack så mycket. Du skulle älska lavendelfälten. Så vackra och doften helt ljuvlig. Jag är så glad att vi fick göra denna resa och uppleva och se allt detta. Så fantatiskt på alla sätt.
Lotta, åh vad kul att du också varit i dessa otroligt vackra och häfitga trakter. Då känner du säkert igen mycket från alla bilder. Tycker det är underbart att man kan dela med sig av sina resor på detta sättet liksom få tips från andra bloggvänner om underbara platser som man skulle vilja besöka.
Elisabeth, jag vågade inte hoppa på riktigt alla ställen men nästa gång som jag hoppas blir en nästa gång framöver hoppas jag våga lite mer.
Eleonor, tack så mycket. Jag är ju lite höjdrädd så på en del ställen fegade jag lite.
Anne, tack så mycket vännen. Ja visst växer man som människa när man våga utmana sig tänja lite på nya gränser. Detta var en helt fantatsisk upplevelse som jag inte kommer glömma så jag är sååå glad att C anmälde oss till detta.
Så häftigt och roligt! Ser ut att verkligen ha varit en rolig och utmannande uppgift! Kul att ni kunde ta bilder också.
Gud vad kul det där ser ut att vara. Jag är höjdrädd men älskar vatten och speciellt att hoppa från klippor. Åh, det skulle jag vilja prova på!
definitivt en plats på ett mycket fascinerande och otroligt
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