We took a boat tour of 2.5 hours. There are a number of boat tours leaving both from here and from the neighboring town, Cassis. We chose one that left at 10:30 in the morning so we would have time to stroll around and enjoy the market fare before we headed out into the Mediterranian Sea. In the horizon there was nothing but open water. Kind of cool that knowing that somewhere out there on the other side the next shore would be somewhere on the African continent.
The cliffs of the first bay were not as white but looked more like some kind of sand stone cliffs. At the very top we spotted this house. I bet they have a great view from there. A top of the next cliff was a light house.
It was great to get out on the open water and feel the salty breeze in the air and the wind in my face and hair.
A big beautiful sailing boat in one of these amazingly beautiful bays. These bays were just so spectacular. C had been here before but wanted to take me out here and show me this. I am so glad he did.
A bunch of people out on kayaks exploring and enjoying the crystal clear waters.
The cliffs are really impressive as the loom high up into the sky. They sort of remind me of the kind of rocks that we saw in Utah at Zion national park.
One man on a kayak togetether with his dog.
Vilken mysig utflykt ni verkar ha haft. Medelhavet är något speciellt. Jag minns en språkresa jag gjorde i slutet av 70-talet till Medelhavskusten och den speciella atmosfär som var där. Härligt med allt vatten. Kramar!
Det ser fantastiskt ut! Vilka bilder ni tagit!
Spektakulärt! Medelhavet är fantastiskt - tänk vad mycket vackert det finns att se. Härligt att C tog dig hit!
Å det ser helt underbart ut,å vilket vatten alltså. Jag älskat att paddla kayak så det ser ju helt fantastiskt ut.
Det syns verkligen bra på dina bilder hur vackert klart vattnet är.
Wow, vilken supersemester! Mysigt med en båttur också, det är inte mycket som slår det. Kramar//Vic
Det ser ut som att ni har det alldeles fantastiskt bra i Frankrike! Njut ordentligt nu, och var rädda om er!
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