We are at the moment in white wine region. All a long the way as we drove we passed fields of grape bushes.
This is our view from our hotel room. I just let out a big wow as I stepped out on our balcony. The most charming part of the city and the old harbor is right at our feet. Today they had this street market going on, people, vendors and live music going on. We sat here on our balcony admiring the view just soaking up the spirit of vacation and being here on the French Riviera.
Boats, boats, and more boats. All kinds of them, small, medium and super large. Fishing boats and elegant sailing boats. This is boat lovers paradise.
Old beautiful churches.
We just had a great dinner down by the harbor. They just had some great fish. I had a fish soup and some salmon and C had some other white fish. It was all really good. The French is going so so but so far we have managed to both get to the right place and also get what we wanted when ordering from the menu. So it is working out somehow.
It is interesting to see how the French hang their laundry outside their balconies in this way. Many of the old buildings would need a slab of new paint and some fixing up but in some way the old worn look adds to the charm in a way.
Du är ju fenomenal som hinner blogga och så här snabbt!
Å, njuter av dina bilder
Kram och ha det fortsatt jätteskönt nu
Härliga bilder!! Jag har många fina barndomsminnen från franska rivieran, vi semestrade där 1986-87-88 och jag vet att vi besökt La Ciotat även om jag kanske inte riktigt kommer ihåg det ;-)
Man hänger ut tvätten så även i Italien och Spanien!
Bonnes vacances och hoppas att ni får en härlig semester!
Åhh njut nu. Frankrike är underbart.
Vackert där ni är. Vet.
Det ser helt fantastiskt ut. Det ser ut som att ni kommer ha en jatteharlig semester!
Åh vad härligt med reserapport från er. Som vanligt är det ett sant nöje få "hänga med". Superfina bilder, det ser precis ut som jag föreställer mig att det ska göra...
It's a precious place where you can enjoy majestic views and be part of an unforgettable experience on the sea. French Rivera is a paradise.
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