This is a map based on stereotypes that other countries have on Europe. I think it is really funny how Americans see Europe for example. This was published in the Swedish newspaper yesterday. So I live in the socialist union now next to the commies. Well at least I don't live in the nation of the smelly people, ha ha. So Sweden is pictured as meatball country by the French and as IKEA country to the Germans. Swedes and Sweden also seem to be associated with trashy pop music, ABBA and Volvo. I enjoyed studying these maps of Europe as seen by the US as well as other European nations.
Fall has arrived big time here. It is quite chilly now. Today was one of those very beautiful crisp fall mornings when the sun was shining and Stockholm looked its most beautiful. On mornings like this one I love going by bike. But now I have to wear gloves, it is too cold otherwise. There are lots of neat and nice fall clothes in the stores and people here are a lot more trendy than down the south. I love watching what people are wearing here. Now is the time to really dig into the fall fashion. Here you don´t get tired of your summer clothes because summer is not that long which is both good and bad.
haha vilken rolig karta! Eller kartor!
Härligt med fin höst! Det gillar jag.
Saltis, ja visst var de kul :-)
Haha! Den var rolig! "Selfish fishermen Land..." :D Men jag är överraskad att ingen sa blonda svenska flickor på Sverige! Men det kanske är Abba? :D
Vilka roliga kartor!!
Visst var det vackert igår?! Även om det var lite för kallt och blåsigt. Idag var det också en så fin morgon!
Marie, ja det har du rätt i att det var konstigt att stämpeln om svenska blonda flickor är borta. Fast det är ju rätt skönt att den är borta.
Anna, det var en underbar höstdag :-)
Så länge det är sådant väder har jag inget emot höst alls.
HAHA, det där var kul att se!!!
Ja, nu har ni höst...
Du vet att jg är smått avis.
När jag för länge sen gick i amerikansk high school fanns i historiesalen en karta som på fullt allvar (!) beskrev Sverige som " socialist but friendly". Den platsar faktiskt här, haha.
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