All around Visby you could see people dressed the way people were dressed during the middle ages. These costumes are quite elaborate. I recon those wearing them have dedicated quite some time and work making and sewing them. I admired the costumes but I don't have any kind of longings to participate in this myself or walking around like this.
We visited the large open market that was taking place. These glazed apples just looked super delicious. Both humans and bees seemed equally drawn to them. The sugar coated roasted almonds just smelled soooo good!
All kinds of items and good were sold on the market.Both food, drink, soaps, clothes, furs, swords, all linked to the medieval times ofcourse.
Entire wild boars were BBQ:ed like these ones.
You could even get yourself a bath or a foot scrub the way it was done during the medieval times.
Visby is a remarkable city in many ways. It has managed to survive and been left intact during hundreds of years so historically it is very well preserved. Besides the city wall there are a number of old impressive church ruins left standing in the city.
Ja, Visby är verkligen magiskt!
Bara att se Gotland dyka upp när man kommer med båten är som en saga! Ön liksom bara flyter upp ur vattnet.
Älskar Gotland!
har varit på Medeltidsveckan en ggn för länge sen, det var kul.
Staden är verkligen otroligt vacker.
Vad kul att ni lyckades pricka in medeltidsveckan! Det är verkligen en häftig upplevelse att vara där och Gotland är ju fantastiskt.
Annika, jag har varit på Gotland en gång tidigare men aldrig under medeltidsveckan. Det var ju lite kul att få se och uppleva detta men allra bäst är ju den vackra naturen på Gotland. Magiskt som du säger.
Victoria, ja himla kul. Det fanns gott om folk som också åkte hem i sina dräkter när vi åkte tillbaka. Lite skoj.
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